Friday, April 24, 2015

Congratulations to MaMa Nurse!!!!! (Officially)

Riley and I would like to congratulate MaMa. Who officially became MaMa Nurse, by passing her NCLEX exam (on the first try!) and becoming  a R.N. It has been a long journey, Riley and I never lost faith in MaMa once. We always knew she could do it!!! We both love her very much and couldn't be prouder!

This also means a trip to LEGO Land Florida next year! Also if everyone could wish her good luck on her second interview Monday (even though she doesn't need it!)
MaMa Nurse, who is still expecting our baby at any time!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Found new building techniques....

Found new building techniques playing the LEGO Movie game with Riley today.
Notice that part above the window, its the MiniFigure Stand. Looks good offset like that!

I don't think this is new, still a good way to build a light.

Riley just liked me taking pictures!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Building with Riley (Evil Witches House)

When you get Riley's imagination and me building. Well you get some pretty funny builds! Riley's favorite to play is Evil Witch, she loves to terrorize the little kids in our LEGO city. So I made upgrades to the Witches house....
Potions and spells, but the skull is my favorite!

No kids are safe, as you can see even Riley back there!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tried my first stop motion film today.

It wasn't too good, but it wasn't too bad either. Especially for how much time I spent on it.(which was about 10min) Made some strides building. It was easy with the new chrome pieces we got in the mail, you can see those here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Learning to use LDraw

So I have spent some time on the 2 LEGO design programs. LEGO digital designer is fun and easy to use. LDraw, from what I know is a LEGO users based program.(Basically a person or people that really like LEGO) The LDraw program is a lot harder to use, however it offers functions that are not in LEGO digital designer. So I am taking the time to learn the program. Should be fun, but challenging!
A house Riley and I made in LEGO Digital Designer.
Why learn these programs?
LEGO Digital Designer will allow users to test builds with parts they do not have, without being complicated!

Advantages of LDraw?
More parts and advanced building techniques. Plus you can EDIT instruction manuals that you make.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Sneak Peak of My Next MOC....

Busy building, ordering, and some other brick related things. Also I am trying to keep up with the blog. I like to give sneak picks and here is one.
This sign will be a top of my next MOC!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

That's a Perfect Mic Stand...Almost

Not knowing technique pieces all that well. I bought a piece, thought it was a rubber hose, it's not. When I order the right part the stand will look great!
Looks great right?

Just way to big!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day MaMa Nurse!

I just wanted to say happy Valentines Day to my special sweetheart, MaMa Nurse.  I couldn't do what I do without her support. I  Love You! I hope you have a great day!
Some Love potion, lol. Behind us is my new MOC, getting close to done!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Busy Building!

Had a great week! A lot of LEGO came this week! I really think I am going to meet my deadline, which is the end of the month! Although I keep changing the design and of course that slows things a little! Very pumped about the You Tube channel, as I just reached three hundred subs and the Jam Factory has became my most popular video in just one month. You can watch it here. Over 7,000 views!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Disaster in the LEGO Room!

     Been away from blogging for a while. A lot of work/thought has been going into the You Tube Channel and also finishing the next MOC. Which should be close since I placed another four Brick Link orders last night, which reminds me I have to pay for three of those! Also thought has been going into the city as well. We picked up to large base plates and The Unicorn Girl as well today at Toys R Us.
     As far as the disaster goes, Riley was practicing her Jedi jumps the other day and about 5 jumps in we heard this loud crash. It was the light fixture in the LEGO room. Good thing it missed the table and I fixed it pretty quick. So we now have light in the LEGO room again, minus the globe that was over the lights.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A dead end leads to new possibilities...

What I thought would be a good day turned out, well not bad, but not the way I expected. I thought this local business would have been able to help me out with a LEGO business venture. Turns out they can't. It's ok, because I found some place than can help me out. I just have to go out of state. Joined TubeLUG, which is a new You Tube LEGO content providers. Also have started a city, which is not going that great. I need to move the Jam Factory, but Target was out of baseplates!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Solved my micophone problems...

Placing orders and working on the MOC. Hope to shoot some video tomorrow. Found this pic, it makes the best mic!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A lot of stuff going on!

Well back to building, I have really been concentrating on my next MOC. To get it done in one month. So I think I am going to place all orders for it this week. That means it could be done sooner, but no later than a month. The Jam Factory video is doing really well on You Tube! I might join a You Tube LEGO group #TubeLUG. I have to see what it all entails, sounds fun though! I might have a break through in my quest to start a LEGO related business. I will know Tuesday if it is a breakthrough or a dead end.
My keg design for the bar!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Designing a microphone stand..

Trying to design a microphone stand. Didn't like the ones I came up with but, found one on the web that I just can't find the piece for.
Doesn't look right

A little better.

Not from this side.
This looks great, but what's the hand sticking into?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sneak peak of my next MOC!

I never got to blogging yesterday. We received a custom order today from Brick Forge. I will post a custom haul video on our You Tube. To keep the MOC fans happy I will be showing this MOC from the early stages on. I'm giving myself a deadline of one month from today to try to have this built. I don't know if I can make that deadline, but this one will take a lot less than 6 months.
Our next MOC will be a bar.

I guess me and the fam got a gig at this place!

This will be a pool table.

It will be tuff from this angle who shot first?

Only one beer on tap, but plenty of spirits thanks to Brick Forge.

Sweet rifle from Brick Forge.

LEGO Violin!? Awesome!

Custom Test Tube!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Where to start?

Now that we have all this room, so there many things to do and so many place to start. One thing I have to do is move the whole Jam Factory on to the plates it was designed to rest on.( That I never bought, because I was busy buying Jam Factory Parts!)  That should be some task. The main reasons for this is that I need the plates underneath the Jam Factory to rebuild other sets. So not being able to rebuild sets Riley and I have reorganized our Mini-Figs. This is something we have wanted to do for a while!

What a mess!

A lot more organized!

Close up!

Old Figs!

Riley customized some!

Now I have to build selves to display these!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The NEW LEGO table is done!

I can't believe how quick it was to make this table. The preparation from this table took way longer! First I had to come up with a design, then buy the parts, then talk to someone who knows what they are talking about, then change the design. The good news is that it's done and we have space, the bad news is what to do with that space. I will be making a video tutorial on how I made this.
The new LEGO room!

We have an empty table there to the left.

Due to the Jam Factory massiveness there is already talk of a second table.

Underneath constructed well!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Good news and Bad News!

The good news is that I got the lumber for the LEGO table! The bad news is that they don't make any cuts at this lumber yard, therefore I have to learn to cut these. Shouldn't be a big issue, Caitlyn if you are reading this ask your dad if I can borrow a saw, and maybe some clamps please!
Think of how many Jam Factory's could fit on this!

 Hope to get some work done tomorrow, we will see how far we get!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Not your normal LEGO Haul...

Didn't blog yesterday, a lot going on right now. My day was still filled with LEGO, mostly gaming. The Minifigure game and LEGO Star Wars. Riley's favorites! We got away from gaming today and did a little building! Also went to Lowes to get some LEGO table parts, I just need a little glue and the lumber. I was going to buy the lumber from Lowes, but they didn't have the right size and the other piece I need was warped. So I decided to go to the lumber yard tomorrow. Here is what I picked up from Lowes...
This isn't LEGO at all, hopefully it will fit like LEGO.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cleaning the new LEGO Room

I spent most of the day cleaning what will be the new LEGO Room!! Which we are all pumped for! MaMa will appreciate us being out of the way and Riley and I will love to have more space! Buying the supplies for the table have been put off til Thursday, but everything is still moving along nicely.
Excuse me, is that a Jam Factory on your refrigerator?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Some photos of the Jam Facctory...From the beginning!

 We started building two more MOC's, even though I should be worried about building the LEGO table. Which I am actually, but I decided to skip the weekend lines and wait for Tuesday and then go to Lowes. So we did some minor building, when we were done and I looked how sloppy everything looked. I remember when the Jam Factory looked that bad, and here is the proof...

This was taken on 6/17/2014. We need walls!

Gift shop.

Research and development, that changed a lot!

Wash station also changed!!!

This stayed the same, bricks just changed color.

The conveyor belt was the first thing constructed.

Designing  the crusher.

The first pillar that will encase the windows.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Janet's Jam Factory is now on mocpages.

I posted the Jam Factory to mocpages. I put a ton of pictures up with some pretty funny captions. You can check that out here. Thanks for the support!

So what's next?

     So I accomplished a goal set a while ago to complete a huge MOC that would impress people. Although it has only been on You Tube for 18 hrs. or so, the responses have been amazing! So many kind words already, from strangers to people who are close to me. It feels great!!! BUT can't stop now! I real enjoy making these MOCs, plus ideas race thru my head constantly! New ideas for MOCs, to name a few that I will be doing next, Pizza Shop, Old run down Bar, Diner, Skate Park, Grocery Store, and the real big one I want to do is High Rise Condominiums!
Like a painter sees a blank sheet of paper, an empty LEGO table waits for another creation.
     Truth is what's really next is hitting up Lowes and trying to build a huge 4x8 LEGO table. Big MOCs require room, plus this will lead to a creation of a LEGO City. Time to start tying the MOCs together. Building a table will be a great challenge, but I do have an instruction manual. lol A great and easy design for a train table, but could easily be used for LEGO. This will stink a little since there will be no building til I complete the table, I will take the time to save money so I can aggressively build my next MOC. I want to build a detailed mid size one in less that a month from start to finish.  Thanks for everyone who has encouraged me, and thanks for watching!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Video Shoot!

Today we shot the video for our custom MOC unveiling on You Tube. I was a little stressed to make sure I did eveything that I wanted to. Over all, it was a real fun experience! Thanks to MaMa for helping me carry the MOC downstairs, it's built well! It stayed together with ease. I have now spent all day shooting and editing the video, but it's now done. The next process is the "producing step", it's all done by the computer, which I wont be able to use it. The video is about 20 mins long so this will take time, maybe up to 12 hrs! So that is why I'm posting now! Here are a few picture from the video shoot....
Here it is, the last time I will tease you with a pic like this!

Riley having fun!

I am too, don't mind the Mowhawk!